We had an amazing time at Toyhio 12 got to meet Danhausen, Eathan Page, Scarlet and NARC! Craig from NotAnotherRetroChannel plus we got to look at toys buy toys and hang out with friends!! all around great time. enjoy the show! go follow them! @NotAnotherRetroChannel his ToyHio Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6yG4… @Love That Danhausen @Ethan Page @Ohio Nerd Toys and Collectibles https://boffotoys.com/ https://knomadiccollectibles.com/ My Email: Puka04Productions@gmail.com Other social media outlets: INSTAGRAM Puka04 https://www.instagram.com/puka04 TWITTER Puka004 https://twitter.com/Puka004 My Linktree: Puka04 https://linktr.ee/Puka04 Partnered with KEEONSPORTS.COM https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvtA… ******************* Buy Toys From Our Friends https://boffotoys.com/ https://knomadiccollectibles.com/ https://popfixxtoyz.com/ *******************