March 3, 2025

Is Clare Crawley The Worst Bachelorette Ever?

Story written by Vince McKee.  Proud father of two little girls and a beautiful wife.  I can be reached via email at or on twitter at sports_kee

3 weeks into this season of the Bachelorette on ABC this seasons star Clare Crawley is a hot mess. For years the best part of this show is getting to see the fun places they go together, and the exotic dates which lets some of us live out our fantasies of a life we couldn’t possibly afford.

However, this year because of the “RONA”, all of that has been scrapped and they are relying on Claire to carry the load, big mistake!  She is awful.

If I can dip back into the train wreck she left us with last week for a moment, before I examine this week’s disaster, please indulge me. This woman isn’t happy unless someone is kissing her ass about how “brave” she is to have a dying mother.

I’m pretty sure you don’t have a choice in the matter when your parent is sick.  I personally have a father who is suffering along with a mother who nearly died 3 years ago and continues to struggle, and yet I don’t walk around expecting everyone I meet to tell me how brave I am.  Is it pure hell, do I think about it constantly, sure, but it’s not something I need a medal for.

Years ago she made a big scene on the “Juan Pablo” season because he told her how much he enjoyed sleeping with her.  Time and time again she doesn’t want to be treated like an sexual object, yet she goes on national TV as a trophy and clearly had thousands of dollars of work done on her body since that season.  Then in the most hypocrite move of them all, has the men play strip dodgeball?

I’m pretty damn sure if the roles were reversed and she was a contestant on the Bachelor this would have not flown.  Let’s say it was down to her and 10 other women and the Bachelor had them play strip poker down to nothing but a thong and completely topless.

Yes, ratings would have been through the roof, but I can guarantee you the show would have been thrown off the air and moved to cable the next week. Not to mention the sexual harassment suit she would have signed and led the revolt of.  She is a hypocrite!

You can sit her and tell me that producers have the ultimate say, and you would be right.  But in today’s “me too” movement, that stuff simply doesn’t fly anymore.  I don’t blame Yousef for telling her off and wanting to leave.  Unless you’re kissing her ass, she doesn’t want you around.

This week was a total joke and she proved she has no business as the Bachelorette.  She cancels one group date because she is so upset Youseff told her off.  Then on top of that, spends the entire group date making out with Dale.  By the way, if you know the name of more then 3 contestants still around this year, congrats, because all I hear and know is Dale, Dale, Dale!

Newsflash Clare, men don’t go on that show to make friends with other men, they want alone time with you, not each other.  That entire segment made her come across as a horny middle-aged woman living out some fantasy combined with a school girl crush on the star athlete.  Just embarrassing.

The next day rolls around and it just gets worse.  She picks “muscle head six”, I don’t know his actual name, who cares, does it honestly matter anymore?  She picks “six” to go swimming with her and then tries to kiss him, and then stops herself from kissing him when she realizes Dale may hear about the kiss.

Muscle head is utterly confused about what occurred, and can you blame him?  He then commits low key sexual assault and keeps grabbing her trying to get that kiss back.  This is the ONLY time I stood by Claire as she had every right to get upset.  Grabbing is not cool!

Next time, take your defeat, a cold shower and move on buddy.  You now look like a creep and take full attention away from her being a tease / headcase. This entire spectacle of a “date” did nothing but inflate her already gigantic ego.

Now you have have a group of guys pissed off that they didn’t get their time with Clare the night before, so they decide to spend the entire roast segment focused on Dale.  This was a stupid move, if you want her to forget about him, don’t talk about him.  Instead, they do the exact opposite.

There’s an old saying and it is very true, “don’t let someone have rent free space in your head”.  The boys did exactly this, and let her know they are intimated by him. To top it all off she spends the next group date with them talking more about him then anything else, and then doesn’t give any of them a rose.

The Bachelors suck on this show, and Clare is horrendous.  This entire season is trying to combine the BLM movement, with the Me Too movement, with whatever else they can think of.

It’s only going to get worse the longer this mess continues.  Pull the plug, don’t even bother with a rushed version of the new Bachelorette which appears to be coming next.

One last request, move this show back to Monday nights.  With This Is Us on Tuesday Nights as well, this is not going to keep my attention much longer.



Vince McKee

Vince is the Owner of KEE On Sports Media Group. A company built on the very best in sports coverage and broadcasts of High School Sports, Boxing, NPSL Soccer, and everything the sports fans of Northeast Ohio want to know about. He is the play by play man for Ohio Boxing, as well as Cleveland SC of the NPSL. Vince is also a 12x published author who has interviewed everyone from Jim Thome & Austin Carr to Bill Belichick and Frankie Edgar.

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18 thoughts on “Is Clare Crawley The Worst Bachelorette Ever?

  1. I totally agree- she is self involved and frankly not very interesting to watch…..bring back someone with some class

  2. Couldn’t agree with you more about Clare. Turned out to be such a disappointment and her actions far from those of a a mature, 39-woman. I wish people would stop saying she left the show to be with Dale and instead call the change for what it really is. She was fired for being immature, narcissist, selfish, inconsiderate and completely disrespectful to the men on show. Last night made clear how much of high-maintenance diva she is. Good bye and good riddance. Good luck Dale. She’s awful and you deserve better. Call me 🤙 😂😂😂

  3. This article is SPOT ON. I can’t stand her, she’s embarrassing and clearly doesn’t give a damn about any of these guys but Dale. I feel bad for the guys, she’s a joke.

  4. She was awful and I I have always loved the bachelorette but this season was disgusting. I cannot believe they let her get away with what she did. Ridiculous and I don’t know if I’ll watch it again and I have been a big fan since season one

  5. Yes! Can’t stand this bachelorette. What a narcissistic drama queen. I couldn’t even finish episode 3. I don’t think she’s single because she won’t settle. I think she’s single because quality men won’t deal with her BS. Maybe I’ll tune in next season.

  6. I was hoping someone was feeling the same as me this season. Clare is the worst! Everything is about her. If the guys aren’t kissing her ass and doing whatever she wants, then she is going to have a hissy fit. She should just change her name to Karen, get a haircut, and go into 40 being her authentic self.

    She’s not brave, she’s not picky, and she’s not worth the trouble. She clearly rushes into relationships and then bails when the infatuation is gone. I was really annoyed with her when she messed up that engagement a couple years back to what seemed like a great guy. Now I can see how lucky he is to have dodged a bullet. Yikes, Bachelor team. Do better.

  7. I can’t believe that they chose her to be the bachelorette after she has shown how immature she is on bachelor in paradise. She is old, has age but clearly, age has nothing to do with maturity. She knows nothing and understands nothing about men. Yousef is insightful and saw the writing on the wall pretty early and called her out for the clown that she is.

  8. Being in the vast majority, I had never seen any of the BN shows. I was flipping through the channels and saw this woman crying. I watched this immature, 40 yr old woman being a brat! Totally disrespectful to these men by lying through omission when confronted about her feelings of lust, Oops. Love. These men dodged a bullet. She must thinks she is in her 20s by seeing the majority of younger men on this show. She cries a lot! She brings up her past enough to see she still lives there. She is broken and a hot, young, former football player will smooth her insecurities for only awhile. Poor guy, he doesn’t even see it coming.

  9. Such a petulant little b!tch! Those guys were horribly mistreated by an undeserving child. Says she wants men to chase her but ONLY if it’s Dale. She’s single bc mo one will put up with her petty stupidity; eventually Dale will recognize her for the attention seeking drama whore she is.

  10. Just awful.I felt awkward watching the show,those poor men,she is 39 and acts likes she 2.I think she may have some issues she needs too deal with,then just maybe she will find a man.

  11. Wow, so happy to see I’m not the only one upset with the spin on Clare’s stint on the bachelorette. R.S. is blind. Clare has emotional issues, daddy issues and I think between her mom and the pandemic, she’s not thinking clearly. It’s an incredibly low standard to pick a fiancee simply because he “showed up”. (ONCE)! When I saw Dale swoop in after Yosefs verbal lashing, I was like, ooooh this guy’s an opportunist. The fact it is confirmed they had zero contact pre show, makes her decision even more laughable, sad, irresponsible and immature. She liked what she saw on his SM. Clare, no one puts their true selves on SM, it’s all about good appearances, and especially so, if you’re a contestant on a reality show. She should know this. She filmed for two bloody weeks. She can’t possibly know Dale well enough to say he’s “the one”. At 39, with her desire to find a lifelong partner, I expected her to use her critical thinking skills, and properly vet her suitors. Instead we saw a woman obsessed with Dale’s looks from the beginning, and treating all the men like eye candy. It was extremely disappointing to see her base her decision on looks, his SM and because he “showed up”. News flash Clare, anyone can “show up” but will they stay when times get tough? My pizza delivery guy showed up. Should I marry him?

  12. The Bachelorette is incredibly misandric these days. It started a while ago and culminated with Hannah and the men utterly destroying Luke for having an opinion on the way she behaved — all while the women of Bachelorette expect male contestants to give them their undivided attention.

    What digusted me the most was how the other men took advantage of the situation and joined the bullying in order to win Hannah’s non-existent heart. When I saw Claire would be the new Bachelorette I was not surprised at all. In fact, it was very much in line with Bachelor’s recent feminist narrative.

    She was the least decent person on Juan Pablo’s season and ironically enough pretended like she was offended when Juan picked up on her sexual innuendos. And now she’s treating the male contestants as pieces of meat, raging at this guy for questioning her sexual objectification of the male contestants. Haha, this is what feminism and the constant pandering to women have created — self-entitled monsters that have no interest or ability to perceive anything from an equality standpoint. “Equality”, to them, is only defined by their own needs and wants.

  13. It was clear from the beginning how it would go. After she had shamed Matt to have a Cameo and not being there for her only before the show started…that showed how she thinks and how easily she points her crazy finger against people. I really hate when people point their finger and it’s her favorite move by the way.

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