Marlena / Alexandra York / Terri Runnels
No matter what gimmick she went by, she got it over and looked incredible doing it. One the sexiest women in wrestling history. Many feel she was the reason the Goldust character reached the extra level during the first year of his WWF run.
While in WCW, she was Alexandra York and rocked the business suit better that any women in history. She was smart, she was beautiful, and when she portrayed Marlena, she was the innocent looking sidekick that you just wanted to protect.
When her in ring WWE career was over, she proved her passion for the sport and her natural camera presence when she hosted several shows with WWE. No matter the role, no matter the name, Terri did it with class, spunk and is one of the most memorable female figures in wrestling history!
Why are “Enhancement Talent” like Steve Lombardi or Iron Mike Sharpe in? They helped make the stars by being good workers and being able to sell and put guys over