March 25, 2025

This Is Us: “Season Five Premier Hits & Misses”

The much anticipated This Is Us Season Five Premier was last night, and gave fans of the show a reason to puff out their chest with an outstanding first episode.  There was very little not to like, however there were a couple of things I personally could have done without.

Like with any highly popular show, there is plenty to breakdown and debate.  Let’s get right to my version of hits and misses.  If you disagree with any of these (and I know you will) please email me at , sound off on twitter at sports_kee or simply leave your comment in the section at the bottom of the article.


Hit – The Kevin and Madison relationship works!  Long gone are the days of rooting for Kevin to re-kindle his romance with his ex.  This is easily the healthiest relationship he has been in yet and they are so cute together.  She is adorable pregnant and you just want to root for her!  Maybe I’m just a softie but I like how tough she is and vulnerable all at the same time.  It’s an amazing mix.

The scariest moment I had as a pre father is when my wife got in a bad car accident while 6 months pregnant.  When you’re at the hospital awaiting to hear a heartbeat, every single moment is touch and go and you fear the worst. My heart went out to them both as they awaited to hear those heartbeats as I can honestly say I’ve been there, and it is horrible.

Miss – The last thing this show needs is more characters to invest in.  It has far too many already and adding a new baby momma to the Tony & Kate mix is not my idea of a good time.  This already screams trouble and you can count on the woman changing her mind on them.

Why wouldn’t she?  Nothing goes right for these people and this will lead to drama.  I’d rather see the development of baby Jack.  Also, Toby goes from doubting his own desire of being a father to trumpeting the cause of baby number two?

This show has a bad habit of introducing people, teasing you with them for a few episodes and then you never hear from them again so why are they important in the first place?  Case in point, the pretty military women Kevin met from taking Nicky to AA last year.

Hit – SPOILER ALERT, Randall’s eventual new therapist will be his birth mother.  How doesn’t that happen?  The writers of this show do a tremendous job of showing you the total picture.

We as a society are so quick to judge based on very little information.  Case in point, when Deja first appeared, most people just assumed her mother was unfit and a bad person.  We came to find out she wasn’t, she just needed help.

I think most of us did the same thing with Randall’s birth mother.  Again, many just assumed she was a drug addict and unfit.  While she clearly had dependency issues, it was crystal clear she was committed to staying clean and looked at motherhood as a huge blessing and fresh start.

It took one episode for me to pull for this woman and root for her.  Again, tremendous writing allowing us to care for someone who society may judge based on a few facts.

Mix in the fact that Randall ended the show wanting a black female therapist and we found out in the closing seconds that this woman was still alive, it seems likely she will play a major role.  I realize that I just said how this shows doesn’t need more characters, but this is one I would welcome with open arms.  I want to and need to know more about her!

Hit – Mixing in what is going on in the world with the BLM movement, and also the COVID 19 Pandemic into the storylines.  It was woven perfectly without being too overbearing and forcing it on you the viewer.  Who hasn’t felt like Kate at times?  You want to say or do the right thing, but sometimes there is just nothing you can say more than, “I’m here for you and love you”.

Miss – Mixing in what is going on in the world with the BLM movement, and also the COVID 19 Pandemic into the storylines.  I just really wanted a break from it for one night and escape reality.  Oh well….

Hit – The phone call between Jack and his father.  This hit home for me big time!  My Dad is amazing and my Hero.  His father was very similar to Jack’s father but a lot worse. I’ve seen my Dad pray over 1,000 times and I know that some of it was that he wouldn’t end up like my Grandpa McKee.  I can’t go much further into this point other than that was the one part of the episode that tugged on my heartstrings and left a lump in the throat.

Hits – Miggy!  I’ll admit it, I’m a huge Miggy fan!  This guy tries so hard to be a good husband and step father and he puts up with A LOT of crap.  Am I the only one dying to see his courtship with Rebecca?  Instead of new characters this season, let’s get that story rolling please!

All in all, great episode!  So many things hit home for me and that is why this show continues to do well with everyone.  Again, to recap, less new characters such as Beth’s mom, plot twists such as segregate mothers and sexually confused children, and more Miggy / Rebecca courtship!  Not that there is anything wrong with any of that other stuff, but I just feel like this show doesn’t need it.



Vince McKee

Vince is the Owner of KEE On Sports Media Group. A company built on the very best in sports coverage and broadcasts of High School Sports, Boxing, NPSL Soccer, and everything the sports fans of Northeast Ohio want to know about. He is the play by play man for Ohio Boxing, as well as Cleveland SC of the NPSL. Vince is also a 12x published author who has interviewed everyone from Jim Thome & Austin Carr to Bill Belichick and Frankie Edgar.

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2 thoughts on “This Is Us: “Season Five Premier Hits & Misses”

  1. We didn’t just assume that Randall’s birth mother was a drug addict and unfit. We were shown that with flashbacks, and William’s stories about her. I also thought William said she was dead.

  2. William did say she was dead but he never knew she woke up because he left before that with baby Randall after one of the EMS workers said she was gone. My guess is that when he returned back to the apartment after dropping off Randall at the fire station and seeing him in the hospital, the EMS people and Laurel were gone. He assumed she was dead.

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