I was born in 1982 and grew up in two of the greatest decades this world has ever seen. Not only were sports and music better in the 80’s and 90’s, but so were morning and after school cartoons! I went back and wrote down the 10 best cartoons of my generation.
First, let me state some noticeable exclusions that people will surely ask about. I purposely did not include the following on my Top 10 list, they are as follows, Transformers, Thundercats, He-Man and The Simpsons.
My reason being that the first three were more known for being a movie then a cartoon, and when it comes to The Simpsons, while it remains one of my all time favorite shows, I don’t think it is correct to consider it a cartoon considering it’s time slot of Sunday Nights as well as it is content. With that being said, let’s get to the 10 that did make the list.