They spent three years flashing back, and then three years flashing forward. Well, kind of…… Perhaps the greatest writing in cinematic history came from this show. It kept you guessing, and forced you to think deeply about every facet of your life.
Like Friday Night Lights, this show had over 12 main characters but because they were so well portrayed, you found yourself rooting for each one. They took a guy like Desmond, who at first seemed trivial, and he became a HERO to many!
Jack was the ultimate good guy torn between his heart and head time after time. Sawyer was the bad boy everyone loved and Kate Austin was the dream girl everyone wanted, but no one could touch. Benjamin Linus went from someone you wanted to see dead, to someone you wanted to see succeed and your heart broke for when he lost his daughter.
The series was one you had to watch EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of, or, like the title, you would be completely lost. The only issue I had with this show was the final episode. It answered nothing and that was a problem for me.
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