Revitalizing a Fallen Athlete (Part 4 of 4)

Words of Wisdom

First of all, thank you to all who followed along through my journey. It is a long story but I hope that one crazy year of my life can help many other people. Even if it just helps one person out there then it is all worth it.

I hope my story sheds some much needed light on PTSD. It is critical to remember that you might not be able to see what someone is fighting. Even medical tests can come back showing nothing is wrong yet someone is still fighting for their life. The brain is a powerful weapon and can destroy someone from the inside out.

For those fighting battles like PTSD, KEEP FIGHTING! Trust me, you will get your butt kicked a bit. You will lose the fight in your head for a while. Seek help from others, talk about what you are going through, stay patient and trust in God. I have a wonderful support system from family to friends to even colleagues. Even if you feel as though you don’t have that same level of support, God is always there to hear your cries for help. Just call for Him and He will be there and will listen to you. It can be hard to find your voice when losing those early battles but it is important that you find the strength. Losing the early battles does not determine the war. Buckle down because you can win the war.

Right now I am in the same boat as everyone else out there. We are currently facing the spread of COVID-19 and most everything is shut down. With nearly the entirety of the sports industry at a standstill, I do not have any games to call or much to cover for a while. It would be easy to be discouraged but after the year I went through, I know we can overcome what we are facing.

Last summer, I rarely left my apartment and felt miserable in my own self-quarantine while others were out living their normal lives. This is just a small taste of what I lived for several months. I made it out and we will do the same during this pandemic. This is a different type of war but I am confident that we will overcome.

For everyone out there, God has a plan for each and every one of us. Everything in life happens for a specific reason. Life is not easy but an active relationship with Him will give your life so much more value and purpose. I know that we all want to have value and purpose. Trust in Jesus and remember to believe in His plan.

2 thoughts on “Revitalizing a Fallen Athlete (Part 4 of 4)

  1. Thank you for sharing your story! I think you would make a very good public speaker and there are so many people out there suffering from PTSD, especially Vets. Maybe on your down time it’s something you could do!

  2. You are one of God’s miracles . He call you my Name . And you Listen . Your story was , both sorrowful and beautiful , at the same time , Cole , what a strength you have shown . To others that anything can happen No one is untouch by the swords of the Devil . But you have prevail because God was stronger in you then you New . God Bless your Girlfriend her Love of God and You brought you Back Home to the Lord . And the Lord Jesus will bring you back to full recovery . Thank you for sharing such a inspirational . Story , am glad my Son has you in his Life , and together you both publish your story in a book we’re more People can be inspired my you . Your Journey of strength , should be shared . God Bless you always , in my Prayers daily .

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