February 21, 2025

Petition To Save High School Soccer & Football In Ohio

As reported by KEE On Sports Media Group last night, the stipulations to play contact sports in Ohio currently is that players and coaches will need to be tested 72 hours before EVERY game/scrimmage this season.

Any player who has tested positive is not allowed to play, and the team’s contest is canceled. The coaches and players must have their COVID test in hand before the start of the game.

This ruling is directly from the Ohio Department of Health as mandated last evening.  If this ruling stands, then there will be no contact sports (Soccer & Football) in Ohio this fall as schools simply cannot afford the mass testing each week.  Non-contact sports can continue without testing.

If you believe a temperature reading should suffice and a check for any symptoms Related to COVID sign the petition.  If you believe they should remove this stipulation for the 2020 season please sign your name in the comment section below, and share the petition on all social media formats.

For more on everything going on and how we got this far, please turn to page two for more info and exact details.

Vince McKee

Vince is the Owner of KEE On Sports Media Group. A company built on the very best in sports coverage and broadcasts of High School Sports, Boxing, NPSL Soccer, and everything the sports fans of Northeast Ohio want to know about. He is the play by play man for Ohio Boxing, as well as Cleveland SC of the NPSL. Vince is also a 12x published author who has interviewed everyone from Jim Thome & Austin Carr to Bill Belichick and Frankie Edgar.

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208 thoughts on “Petition To Save High School Soccer & Football In Ohio

  1. I feel that checking their temps and asking the Covid19 related question is quite enough. Sports are so important to our kids and helps to give them someplace to belong as well as helping too keep them out of trouble. Let them play!!!!!

  2. I bet this changes for the Browns. Really, if anyone tests positive, the event is cancelled. That will never be in the order when their season starts.

  3. Its their time. This is what the kids train for and look forward to. Don’t take this away, no more politics. Let’s play football

  4. It is so important for our kids to play sports -for their physical and mental health – for ours also!!

  5. No testing! A temperature check and other necessary precautions should suffice. Me along with all of my co-workers (150 people) have been going into the office to work every day since June 1. We take our temps every day before entering the building, we wear masks outside of our cubicles/offices, we have set up social distancing guidelines and NO issues at all! It’s ridiculous to think that any school/rec org. Our children need to play sports and be involved in other recreational activities! The mental, physical, community, and personal growth issues of not being involved is starting to outweigh the perceived COVID issues. Why won’t our government listen to the real facts!

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