Local and beloved artist David Petlowany will have his late life remembered and honored as Joseph Davis Decorative Arts will be presenting an exhibition of his work below at their gallery. To learn more, you can email them at josephdavisantiques@gmail.com or give them a call at 216-314-1907. You an visit them on Facebook here – https://www.facebook.com/p/Joseph-Davis-Decorative-Arts-and-Antiques-100057346363122/
“If you think you’re smarter than a rock, you’ll never be able to carve it,
Joseph Davis Decorative Arts and Antiques
”David Petlowany. “Four years of naval aviation in the western Pacific gave me the opportunity to experience the stone carvings of six unique countries.” “Being a self -taught stone sculptor, I hope never to graduate.” “To touch stone is a magical thing.”