October 5, 2024

From The Desk of Vince McKee: Thank You to the KOS Staff!

As we get deeper into the postseason, I wanted to take this moment to express my gratitude to some very important people in my life, and in my company that make the wheels turn on a daily basis.  I’m going to break this down into segments with the hopes that I won’t leave anyone out.


The Name

Before I get to into it, I wanted to make one point very clear, that I hope shows where I’m coming from.  I never wanted the company to be named after me.  It is a story I have told a thousand times, I wanted it to be called, “The Varsity Sports Report”.  Reason being, I didn’t want people thinking I had an ego.  However, at the very last second, someone came to me with the idea of, “Kee On Sports” and explained to me that if I stuck with varsity, I wouldn’t be able to cover MMA, Boxing, WWE, Pop Culture, etc… But Kee On Sports left the door wide open, so I went for it.

With that being said, I think a lot of people think I do 99% of the work and take 100% of the credit and I just want to make sure everyone understands that is anything but the case.  Okay, good.  Let’s get to the fun stuff!


The reason we can do what can do

Emily, Megan, Faith and Erin.  I don’t need to say anything other then thank you!  It would only take one of you not willing to sacrifice time away from your guy, to ruin a really good nucleus.  Your sacrifice and support means everything, and is vital.  Thank you!


Brandon Soeder-Penner

Brandon may be the most talented human being I’ve evet met.  He makes sure the stream runs to perfection each and every week during football season when they call games.  He does the Ad spots as well, as he has one of the best on air voices I’ve ever heard.  Brandon, is one of the absolute best play by play men in the area, he sacrificed that role to make sure our stream stayed on line last year during our inaugural year on YouTube. He was and is a team player.  If Brandon isn’t making Six Figures within the next 36 months, I’d be shocked.  He is that damn good.  And did I mention he can cook too?

I’m prouder of Brandon then I could ever put into words.  Despite his being younger than me, I look up to him.  I hope that makes sense, just how much admiration and respect I have for this young man and the huge things I see for his future. Thank you!


Cole McDaniel

Cole is the biggest reason our draft show is the best in the state.  I’d put our draft show up against anyone else without thinking twice because I know how much prep Cole puts into it. He truly is our Mel Kiper.  His chemistry with Brandon and Dom not only on draft night, but all ten broadcasts of the regular season jumps off the page.

Cole puts in so much work behind the scenes, people would be stunned if they knew just how much.  All those graphics you see on the NFL Climate Tech Show, and the High School Football Podcast, those are all Cole.  I literally show up, talk and leave.

Cole is the biggest reason we moved away from taped game broadcasts, and then live game calls on Podbean, and went for broke on YouTube Live Broadcasts and crushed it.  He’s extremely prepared, extremely accurate and extremely loyal.  He was one of the first people in this industry to believe in me, and that changed everything.

At nearly 20 years my junior, Cole and I have no business being as close as we are, and yet, he is one of the closest people in my life and has become a brother in many ways.  They say every good leader needs a great right-hand man; I have that with Cole.  Age, is only a number. Thank you!


Dom “Dommer” Clary

My Italian brother from a different mother!  We can never call a game just you and I, we’re better off not even trying, because it will just be one giant laugh fest.  Dom is the head of our MAC department and has a lot on his plate at all times.  He was a perfect fit to the team and Dom is the kind of guy who can come over for five minutes, and stay 2 plus hours, EVERY SINGLE TIME!

They say in sports media that 50% of the people you meet in this business will be great guys, and the other 50% are about as fake as a $3 bill.  Dom is the most real human being I think I’ve ever met. Dom and I are very similar and I’m positive our past and upbringing has a lot to do with it.  I overcame a ton of adversity in my life to be where I’m at, and Dom is cut from that same mold.  Go back and read his article about his love of playing college football, and you will understand.  Dom is one of the purest human beings I’ve ever met, every group needs a Dommer in it.  Thank you!


Tony Bogan

If you cut Tony Bogan open, he would bleed Kee On Sports.  He has been with me since day one and is extremely loyal.  I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know Tony like I have had these past 5 years.  He is a good guy, talented as Hell, and has a passion for this business that is infectious.  I would fight for Tony if anyone tried to take him.  Honestly, knock down drag out!  I’m honored to call him “my guy”.  He is our video guy and worked his butt off to get there!  Thank you!


David “Puka” DeLuca

Full disclosure, I always said I would NEVER HIRE FAMILY!  Yet, Puka was the exception!  Puka has been one of my best friends since we were little boys.  You’ve heard the saying, “cousins closer than brothers”, that is truly David and I.  If I was ever stuck on a game show, or in some crazy situation where I needed to get someone to answer questions about me to either save my life, or win a bunch of money, my first call is going to David.  No one on this planet knows more about me then David Deluca. Ironically, my best friend is also named Dave, as in Dave Murphy.  So, my best friend and my best cousin are both named David, thus Dave waves!

Okay, anyway, as I was saying, or begun to say, Puka is a huge part of what we do.  He runs the graphics end of the thumbnails that you see.  He is a YouTube guru and has been the ultimate “go to” in many situations.  David is a heck of a lot smarter than people would ever realize.  Again, he is the ONLY family member I would ever employ, but there is a reason for that too.  Go check out his show on the Toy Hunt section of this website some time, you won’t regret it. Thank you!   Also, he is the reason I use Linkedin.


The editing team of Zach Horvath, Kate Daugherty & Ryan Stella

Thank God for these three!  Thank you!  They keep my 3am Friday night bedtime from becoming a 4am bedtime.  I trust them because I know they are going to do a tremendous job!  I couldn’t do it without them, flat out, that simple! Thank you!


The video team of Tony Bogan, Charles Adams, Jack Barberbic and Chris Grunau

Those really cool videos you see on YouTube are because these guys are willing to stand on their feet for 4 hours every Friday Night, in all kinds of weather while I sit in the press box and watch the game.  They grind like you wouldn’t believe and turn in tremendous work! Thank you!


Devin Lowe and Brandon Marvel 

I didn’t recruit either one, I didn’t contact either one, they just showed up like two angels from heaven, meant to write for Kee On Sports!  You want to talk about, “free agent signings”, the second these two showed any interest in coming aboard, I said a prayer thanking God!  I cannot even begin to explain just how gigantic of an addition that they have been!  Literally from day one this season, they have impressed me, and each week gets better. These two are incredible and a week doesn’t go by without me hearing from an athletic director with how impressed they are with them both.  Thank you!


Sophomore Sensations

Lindsey Reitz, Trevor Tucker, Darien Jackson, Ben Hughes, Nick Tarorick, Brandon Miller, Aeneas Hines, Big Bill and Jax Gregory for coming back for year two.  Thank you for returning and help guide the new interns, and set the example.  You guys are all stars and KOS will always open the door for you! Thank you!


The Intern Class

Most of them showed up in a rainstorm on orientation night, stuck it out as the power went out, and listened to a 20-minute speech in the dark and then stuck around another hour.  That was a sign, these guys and gals meant business and were ready to succeed!  It’s been a great year, and thank you for continuing to make Kee On Sports the premier site for interns to launch their careers!  Thank you!


The Photo Team

Carol Baskey, Luigi Musto, Chop, Ben Nichols, Anna Haberstro, Kory Callihan, Jeff Barnes, Kyle Foisy, Amy Eldrige, Irene Hatziantoniou and the QUEEN OF THE TEAM, Julie Herzog! You guys and gals are amazing, that’s all I can say!  Just amazing.  You keep our Facebook page at 2 million views a month for a reason, thank you!


The college crew

Thank you to Dom Clary again, for running the college team of photographers, and also beat reporters Dom O’Brien, Tyler Bridges, Mackenzie Mcal and Ryan Struhar for doing a good job.  Thank you!


The Out of Towners

It’s incredible that we bring our fans High School and College sports coverage from all over the nation.  Thank you Jake Hernandez, Maci Cottingham and Emily Monohan for making that possible. Thank you!


The KOS OG’s

Rodgers, Tyler, Triv, E, Ruben, Bogan, Lexi and everyone else who followed me over without me even having to ask.  You were the genesis! Thank you!


Last but not least, thank you to every single Athletic Director, Media Coordinator, SID and every person out there who has my made life enjoyable and all those late bedtimes, (including this one ) well worth it!










Vince McKee

Vince is the Owner of KEE On Sports Media Group. A company built on the very best in sports coverage and broadcasts of High School Sports, Boxing, NPSL Soccer, and everything the sports fans of Northeast Ohio want to know about. He is the play by play man for Ohio Boxing, as well as Cleveland SC of the NPSL. Vince is also a 12x published author who has interviewed everyone from Jim Thome & Austin Carr to Bill Belichick and Frankie Edgar.

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