July 2, 2024

ABC’s The Bachelorette Makes The Most Important Move In Show History

Chris Harrison seemed legit pissed at Clare to start tonight’s episode and I cannot say that I blame him.  The producers put a lot of time and money into each season and if there was any foul play before filming could start, I don’t blame them for being upset.

You must remember that this happened during a pandemic, so she is the first and most likely last bachelorette who will ever know the list of men she is paired with.  She took that one little bit of information and began to research Dale when they stopped filming the show while American freaked out over the Covid 19 flu.  With that little bit of free time and information gifted to Clare, she proceeded to do some serious damage.

It was apparent from night one that they had a prior relationship in some form.  I personally do believe in true love at first sight as I had it happen to me many years ago, but in this case, I’m simply not buying it.

She knew far too much about him and on their one on one date tonight, she knew EXACTLY what types of subjects and items to bring up and did a horrible job acting like she was hearing all of his past for the first time.

A few things here, what guy in his right mind proposes to a woman after knowing her for a week and sleeping with her once?  This guy is a good-looking former NFL player who can have the pick of any woman he wants. There’s not a snowballs chance in hell that they didn’t know each other and spoke before coming on the show.

As much as it kills me to say anything nice about Clare, I must give her credit or at least the design team of the show credit, that red dress she wore was stunning. Also, if you’re the cameraman standing there first thing in the morning as they are laying there butt ass naked under the sheets, how awkward does that have to be?  I mean, I can think of worse jobs, but still.  I’d be afraid to sneeze, cough or God forbid break wind as they are laying there pretending to have this magical moment.

I’ve woken up next to my wife every morning for the last 9 plus years of our marriage, and I can guarantee you neither one of us would want a camera on us.  This entire thing just came across so fake and scripted.  And this is coming from a writer who watches no less than 8 hours of Pro Wrestling a week.

Good for Kenny for telling Clare how selfish she was.  As the other 15 bachelors sat there stunned, at least he spoke a little truth.  Naturally, the second anyone stands up to her she cries and gets pissed off.

Yet again, how dare anyone not sympathize with her plight?  Does she not realize these men gave up months of their lives to leave home, their careers and the comfort of home during a freaking pandemic, just to get jerked around for a few weeks?

Her engagement ceremony could have been so sweet and nice, it could have been the one moment of the entire season that had people pulling for and she ruined that.  She wouldn’t just stop talking for two minutes and let him speak.  The night wasn’t all about her, she made it that way.  This poor guy lost his Mom and was trying to have a tender moment and explain his true feelings, and she made the entire scene about “getting her man”, “not settling”, “you’re stuck with me now”, “I deserve love” .

SHUT UP!!!!!

So back to the bachelor’s we go and let me tell you did they score big.  They just dodged a huge bullet, and this new Bachelorette seems incredible.  Unlike Clare, Tayshia Adams instantly earned my respect.  What a sweetheart who just screams genuine person.  She was thankful for the opportunity and fully understanding of what the men have gone through already.  I really like her, not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she just seems very real!  Nothing about her seems fake and that speaks volumes.

Her smile is amazing compared to Clare and that also speaks volumes about a person.  You can tell when someone is faking it and trying to appease you.  Clare did that all season while Tayshia genuinely seems excited for this chance.  I will be pulling for her!

A couple of things here concerning the final 16 bachelors.

What about the guy who says, “Physical Attraction is an important thing to me.”  In other news, the sky is up, grass is still green and beer is still better ice cold.  Can he have made a more obvious and un-needed statement?

And then you have Wildlife Manager Blake who I’m pretty sure still sleeps in bed with his parents every night.  This guy needs a hobby. He may like the wildlife, but that is one camp I’m not sending my children to that he is the counselor of.

I feel bad for Jason, I truly do.  It’s not easy for everyone to share their feelings.  It took a lot for that guy to do that, and then it turns out the entire thing was fake.  I mean, people who have trust issues to begin with should not go on this show, but still, I have feel bad for him.

I hope he can get past it and doesn’t spin so completely out of control he creates a website that is a play on his last name, I mean, who would do something like that?

The bottom line in this one folks, the bachelors caught a break with the switch and so did the fans.  While Clare may have made you want to stick a lit cigarette in your eyeball, Tayshia Adams will have us pulling for her soon enough.  Enjoy!

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Vince McKee

Vince is the Owner of KEE On Sports Media Group. A company built on the very best in sports coverage and broadcasts of High School Sports, Boxing, NPSL Soccer, and everything the sports fans of Northeast Ohio want to know about. He is the play by play man for Ohio Boxing, as well as Cleveland SC of the NPSL. Vince is also a 12x published author who has interviewed everyone from Jim Thome & Austin Carr to Bill Belichick and Frankie Edgar.

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