Revitalizing a Fallen Athlete (Part 4 of 4)

The Most Valuable Improvement

Thankfully, 2019 had officially closed. What a rollercoaster it had been. Prior to the conclusion of the year, my girlfriend and I had discussed our beliefs and values. She had been going to church and growing in her faith in God. I explained my history and that I had felt a conviction at times throughout the year but could not find the motivation to search for a church to attend.

I had ignored the calling and put it in the back of my mind during my final semester. I am not one for New Year’s resolutions but we made one together. We were going to actively pursue God in our relationship.

On January 1st, we began a daily Bible study together and I began to join her at church on Sunday mornings. We had become each other’s accountability partners and it proved to be crucial for my life. I remember the exact message shared on that first Sunday. It still sits so heavy with me and completely opened my eyes.

The pastor was talking about Jonah and how he had been instructed to go to Nineveh. Jonah was scared and instead hopped on a boat that was headed in the other direction. While fleeing to Tarshish, the Lord sent a violent storm that frightened all of the sailors and put the ship in danger.

The message is that when we are lost and going in the wrong direction, God will send a storm to bring us back to Him. I felt as if I was the only person sitting there in the auditorium. In that moment, the message seemed to be directed right at me.

Back in April, I believed I had it all and was the complete package. I was practically putting myself on a pedestal. I was so wrong for all of that. Sure, my physical strength was at its peak but I was so mistaken about my mental state and everything lining up.

My spiritual relationship with God was nowhere to be found and if I continued on the same path, I would have never found it again. I was Jonah, lost and going in the wrong direction. God sent me that storm to bring me to Him. It was at that moment that I fully surrendered and was committed to growing my relationship with the Lord.

Over the month of January, my relationship with God and my relationship with my girlfriend continued to grow. My health was certainly not perfect but I was beginning to take massive strides in the right direction. I went directly to 19 News to seek out a full-time position with them since I had spent seven months there as an intern. Unfortunately, there was not an opening for me. Rather than remaining discouraged, I quickly bounced back in an effort to pick up other gigs.

I was now a freelance broadcaster and continually picking up more basketball games for Baldwin Wallace. I also quickly reached out to my dear friend Vince McKee about helping him with KEE On Sports. Vince was eager to have me join and we quickly rekindled the chemistry we had as colleagues with Cleveland SC.

Even though I was still searching for a full-time job and there was some uncertainty, closed doors were opening up others. I was realizing that everything happens for a reason and there is a plan for my life. By the end of January, I was genuinely the happiest I had been in a long time.

2 thoughts on “Revitalizing a Fallen Athlete (Part 4 of 4)

  1. Thank you for sharing your story! I think you would make a very good public speaker and there are so many people out there suffering from PTSD, especially Vets. Maybe on your down time it’s something you could do!

  2. You are one of God’s miracles . He call you my Name . And you Listen . Your story was , both sorrowful and beautiful , at the same time , Cole , what a strength you have shown . To others that anything can happen No one is untouch by the swords of the Devil . But you have prevail because God was stronger in you then you New . God Bless your Girlfriend her Love of God and You brought you Back Home to the Lord . And the Lord Jesus will bring you back to full recovery . Thank you for sharing such a inspirational . Story , am glad my Son has you in his Life , and together you both publish your story in a book we’re more People can be inspired my you . Your Journey of strength , should be shared . God Bless you always , in my Prayers daily .

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