Hard Truths Cleveland Browns Fans Need to Realize After 20-16 Loss to Las Vegas

After the Cleveland Browns 20-16 loss to the Las Vegas Raiders, dropping the teams overall record to 1-3, certain things should be clear to even the most naïve of fans. But if not, allow me to spell them out.

In game adjustments are not being made.

Opening drive success each week looks nice, but it doesn’t guarantee you anything. Today’s opening drive of 70 yards that saw Watson go 8 of 8 passing for 40 yards, and tailbacks taking it the other 30 yards is not uncommon for the Browns this season.

The Watson touchdown pass to Whiteheart was the fourth straight time the Browns began a game by scoring.  They had a Field goal week one against Dallas on their opening drive, and then touchdown drives to being their games versus Jacksonville, the Giants and now today.  The offense didn’t score another touchdown the remainder of the game.

While this is all well and good, and no one will ever complain about a 15 play, 70-yard touchdown drive to start a game, the Browns need to show the entire game that they can put together that kind of production.  This opening drive efficiency has been a staple of the Kevin Stefanski regime.  Try telling all the morons at the sports bar who are barking and talking crap right after this score each week, to settle down.  These people kill me, it’s ok to be excited, but games are 60 minutes long, not 6.

The problem with Stefanski and this staff is their continued inability to make in game adjustments.  He can do a great job scripting the first drive each week, but after that, he cannot adjust as shown today.  It may sound basic, but until the Browns can put together four straight quarters of solid play, they don’t stand a chance to win many games this season.

Also, how about some clock management?  There was still well over a minute left after the final 3rd down play.  Why not call a fourth down play quickly and save all 3 time outs just in case?  It wouldn’t be easy, but it extends the game and you may get the ball back with one last chance. Instead they wasted 30 seconds and then called timeout.  Horrible!


Lack of blocking not allowing plays to develop.

Deshaun Watson completed 24 passes for only 176 yards, 7.3 yards a completion average.  When you don’t have a pass blocking line, and your best running back is still hurt, the short passing game becomes your running game. Watson stinks with the long ball, he isn’t even close to accurate, but at the same time, how can be when he is running for his life every time he drops back.

Fans keep hearing about how dynamic Watson is, how electric he is, none of it is adding up and this continues to look like the worst trade in NFL History.


The Browns have no run defense yet again.

Your beloved Myles Garrett had a whopping 3 tackles today.  Reason being, he over pursues on every single play trying to get a sack.  This is a weakness added to our rush defense that has been struggling as well.  Las Vegas running backs averaged 5 yards a rush, on 22 carries.  Their defense is one dimensional and when they play a veteran quarterback who knows to handle a pass rush, it is held in effective.


Fans are more worried about “Political Correctness” then they are winning.

I’m just going to come out and say it, fans would rather blame Watsons effort on drops, bad pass blocking and poor play calling.  Many of them refuse to come out and speak negative of Watson because of his skin tone and they are worried about being called racists. They had no problems bashing Baker Mayfield or Joe Flacco who had to deal with the same issues. The guy has been awful, just admit it already.  It’s okay folks, you can criticize a pro athlete making 232 Million Dollars.


A conclusion can be found on page two.

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