Kee On Sports Media Group Football,Written Content Does The NFL Actually Want To Suspend Deshaun Watson? I’m Not Convinced

Does The NFL Actually Want To Suspend Deshaun Watson? I’m Not Convinced

Does The NFL Actually Want To Suspend Deshaun Watson? I’m Not Convinced

As Browns fans we sit and wait for Judge Sue Robinson to make her verdict as to punishment for his roll in the lawsuits against Deshaun in regards to the personal conduct policy. There is nothing we can do but wait and wonder, but does the NFL really want to suspend him?

They had 24 lawsuits to use and they only brought in 12. Of those 24 only 2 were alleging force, but again they were not part of the 12 and it was not brought up. Either the NFL got lazy with the biggest news story they have had in years or they really don’t want to suspend him and wanted to use Sue Robinson as the patsy.

So they don’t take the heat when he plays week one. YES there is a huge chance he plays week one. The case they made against him is so weak that after 2 courts decided not to not move forward with an indictment on him, they still claim they “want” at least a year? Well I believe its a smoke screen.

They know damn well that Judge Robinson knows her stuff and will look at what the legal results. They want her to give no suspension in my humble opinion because then they cant do anything about it. If she gives him, say 4 games, then Commissioner Roger Goodell has the ability to make it longer. Which I do not believe he wants to for a few reasons.

  1. If Goodell does not extend the suspension longer he and the NFL will get a ton of backlash for not stepping in.
  2. If he does extend the suspension it under minds the whole process and makes you wonder what was even the point of this all.
  3. Also it opens up the scenario where Deshawn could and would sue the NFL for the suspension.
  4. Lastly I feel they want him to play. He is one of the biggest stars in the league. So why would they not want one of their money makers on the field.

It all just leaves me asking? Does The NFL Actually Want To Suspend Deshaun Watson?


8 thoughts on “Does The NFL Actually Want To Suspend Deshaun Watson? I’m Not Convinced”

      1. I just want to know, does the NFL even CARE this is happening to OFTEN. When is the breaking point. Remember, Be Careful Little Feet Where You Go. For The Little Feet Behind You Are Sure To Follow. Don’t be surprised someday someone will call Wolf and it will be real. What you do with this decision will determine if that ever happens again.

    1. It’s not about Watson he is just a pond in this process.

      The NFL is about getting away with projecting an image of morality in the workplace being important and punishing the players whether or not they were criminally charged but looking the other way when the owners committed the same violations.

      You can’t have a double standard and the union finally has an opportunity to show the disparity between the two in the public and to an arbitrator.

      I think the NFL does not want to open their records regarding their investigations results between owners, coaches, and players and how unfair the discipline has been.

  1. Out of the 24 the used the ones with the strongest case and there wasn’t anything! No me wants to all about the truth just ants to hang them! Truth being the Browns and the NFL did there homework and looked into it and found a bogus case that woman are going to make money off of bc the media wants to hang and ruin his career bc it’s not theirs they want to assume
    Guilt and bc media and majority of people believe anything and want to appear woke and like they support woman and there rights! Texans knew this and it’s a shame the NFL has to to do this just to save face bc they know no one wants to believe the truth the want to believe what they want and if this is the case rad between the lines they don’t want to suspend him bc he is a star lots of stars have been suspended if they don’t want to it’s bc there is no proof of guilt and even more proof that this is a money grab and your right they can’t report that bc the media is ugly and manipulative and it’s back firing

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