March 31, 2025

THIS IS US: Season 6 Episode 1 Recap & Reaction

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Episode One of the final season of “THIS IS US” is in the books and has left fans somewhat wanting more, and somewhat disappointed.  It wasn’t very enlightening of anything we didn’t already know but it did tug at the heart strings at moments as well.

Before we really dig into this, I must ask, is it bad that the only memory I remember from 1986 is the NY Mets coming back from the edge of defeat against Boston in the World Series?  Yes? No?  Okay,,, lets just move on.


What did we learn?

Toby genuinely seems happy at his new job.  He appears to have his own office and is fitting in well.  He made a few romantic gestures throughout the day that appeared to please Katie Girl.  But, one telling moment is when she spoke about how his gestures typically weren’t store bought, but rather in person. Don’t let that fact get lost on you because even though he made it home this time to surprise her, what happens the next time?

When I say next time, we all saw that Rebecca is getting worse, not better. It’s only a matter of time before Katie has a breakdown over something scary with her Mom and Toby is not there to comfort her.  But who will be there to comfort her?  You guessed it, the British “hunk” of a boss who is recently single by the way.  The fact that her boss just lost his girlfriend shouldn’t be overlooked.  The framework is already being put together.


Isn’t there a little Randall in all of us?

I so wish I had the gut and mentality to pull the proverbial trigger on relationships and just flat out give up on people.  Sadly, like Randall, I don’t!  But isn’t that the human nature in all of us?  Naturally we want something to work out and care about others. Randall takes this to the umpteenth degree as he badly wanted to rescue the same criminal that gave him the cold sweats for two straight years.

To the surprise of no one, once the man was let off the hook, he didn’t show up to the rehab center Randall had set up for him.  We find out further that Randall has had this caring for others trait his whole life. His main worry when the challenger exploded was if the astronauts kids would have dinner made for them.

If that didn’t tug at your heart strings, then surely Katie saying how it was a good thing the astronauts were up so high because it made them closer to Heaven must have made you well up a little?

Kevin has still not evolved.

Speaking of the Challenger explosion, it was not exactly telling that Kevin found comfort in the arms or Katie.  Throughout this entire series, she had been his security blanket.  Don’t believe me?  He is currently sleeping on her couch.

As much as I Iove this show, the lack of character development bugs me at times.  Five years in, Kevin is still a hot mess that let’s the smallest things throw him over the rails.  Katie can never just be happy with what she has and Randall has not shed his Hero complex, but rather, he has doubled down on it.

The oldest characters on the show, are also the most compelling.

It’s no secret that I have been a huge Miguel fan since his first time on the show. I love Miggy and want to see more of his character throughout.  He continues to be someone easy to root for. Now, mix that natural likeability in with the vulnerability of having a dying wife and it just makes you want to root for him even more.

I’ll admit, I got just a bit teary eyed and choked up at her frustration over the word “caboose” at the dinner table.  That moment made me stop and just catch my breath when she yelled. It was tough to watch her struggle all episode but when she yelled out of frustration it broke my heart. Damn this show!

Last but not least, what about Nicky?  Just call the damn woman!  Ok, ok, clearly much easier for me to type that then for it to actually happen.  Who isn’t excited for this right now?  I only have two words, ROAD TRIP!!!!  And no, I’m not talking about DeJa.

Pack the snacks and gas up the car because it’s on to next week we go!


Vince McKee

Vince is the Owner of KEE On Sports Media Group. A company built on the very best in sports coverage and broadcasts of High School Sports, Boxing, NPSL Soccer, and everything the sports fans of Northeast Ohio want to know about. He is the play by play man for Ohio Boxing, as well as Cleveland SC of the NPSL. Vince is also a 12x published author who has interviewed everyone from Jim Thome & Austin Carr to Bill Belichick and Frankie Edgar.

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One thought on “THIS IS US: Season 6 Episode 1 Recap & Reaction

  1. I love Miguel also, rewatching the entire show and the only scene withhis biological kids in a Thanksgiving episode where he stands up for Rebecca! Awesome Go Miguel! So looking forward to the story of Miguel and Rebecca’s love story this season 😊

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