March 31, 2025

5 Reasons Tonights “The Bachelor” Episode Was Scripted

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While I fully understand that reality television, is seldom reality, this week was a pretty big stretch. It had several elements to it that I found to be very hard to swallow and common sense wouldn’t allow me to ignore.

This is coming from a guy who watches wrestling 7 days a week, 365 days a year and never bothers to step back and try to figure out how they are “faking the moves”.  Let’s get right to it!


-Sarah faints at the rose ceremony and they stand her right back up minutes later.

Listen, I’m not an expert on fainting but sadly my father has had some issues of his own the last few years with it, and I know enough that you don’t stand the person right back up. Let alone, put the person back in the exact same situation that caused them to faint in the first place.

Why in the heck did she need to be there anyway?  She already had her rose from earlier in last weeks episode?  None of it made sense and makes me question the legitimacy  of the entire spectacle.


  • The Final Rose goes to Victoria?

So, at this point you have to believe that the producers have a plant every season.  They find one contestant clearly not all there, and tell the Bachelor or Bachelorette that they are going to have to pass them through a few rounds to get a buzz going and keep people talking.  Not only that, but each week they are kept around, they get the final rose. Trust me, that is fixed and not a coincidence.


  • The erotica writing segment having so many words bleeped out.

As women everywhere tried reading lips (don’t lie to yourself, you know you were), the producers and ABC were sitting there counting the dollar signs knowing they could sell this episode on DVD with the words not getting blurred out and it would sell like hotcakes. That’s why “extras” exist on every DVD you buy.  Most times, it’s the first thing and sometimes only thing the consumer will click on and watch after purchasing it.

By the way, good for the women who actually said what they think.  That took some serious courage and honesty.  As for me, with all the High School Sports I cover, there are two, maybe even three area’s of writing I can never touch, horror, politics and erotica.  Unless of course I used a fake name.

My horror name would be “Vic Venom”, my political name would be, “Peter James”, a combination of my middle name and confirmation name.  As for my Literotica name, well, I just have too many friends and family who read this, so we’re going to keep that one private.

  • Serena P wore her clothes in the hot tub?

Do I even need to explain this one?  Who the hell wears their clothes into a hot tub unless they were told to?  That was the strangest thing I have ever seen on this show, and that is saying a lot.


  • Sarah goes from someone you root for to someone you despise in one week?

The producers control the theme to this show using everything from music to camera angles.  How many of us liked Sarah last week, and felt like she was the picture of courage?  In one weeks time, she goes from that to a headcase.  Seems strange, seems scripted quite frankly.

As I’ve mentioned prior, having a sick parent is not easy and it weighs on your mind 24/7.  It is something I have lived with for years and it does wear you down.  In that aspect of things, I totally get it, but she needed to make it clear the real reason for living and never did.

Is she leaving because she feels guilty not being with her father, or is she leaving because she cannot stand seeing other women with Matt?  It seemed to change depending on who she was speaking with.

I look at it as she is giving up a chance at real love to be with her father because Lord only knows how much time he is going to have left. For them to make her out as a villain, seemed very strange to me.

It will be easier to believe her as a villain later this season when she comes back on the urging of her father.  Just watch if she does come back, all holy Hell will break loose!



Vince McKee

Vince is the Owner of KEE On Sports Media Group. A company built on the very best in sports coverage and broadcasts of High School Sports, Boxing, NPSL Soccer, and everything the sports fans of Northeast Ohio want to know about. He is the play by play man for Ohio Boxing, as well as Cleveland SC of the NPSL. Vince is also a 12x published author who has interviewed everyone from Jim Thome & Austin Carr to Bill Belichick and Frankie Edgar.

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